

Thoughts from my Big Book of Everything

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Things we do not understand

May 10, 2011

Sometimes in life we are faced with things that we do not understand, even when we believe in a higher power.  Today a good man was killed in the line of duty, trying to protect and serve his community.  Brian Dulle was a Sergeant for Warren County and was struck down while trying to end a high speed chase.  I knew Brian years ago while attending Edgewood High School, while I have not seen Brian in years, my heart and prayers go out for his family.  I am sure the question has been asked, why this man?  Brian leaves behind a wife and three children, one of whom is sick, how is this fair?  How could God allow this to happen?  I assure you God is mourning with the family today.  Things like this are a result of our free will and our disobedience.   I would ask that you remember Brian’s family in prayer as a lot of others are doing today.  Brian was a good man that was doing his best to protect us and keep order in these crazy times, let us honor his memory by being the best citizens that we can.  If you ever wish to talk about God, I am just a few clicks away.

God today that we ask that your would be with the Dulle family and their friends during this time of need.  Help them always to hold memories of their loved one close to their hearts.  I ask Lord that you would give my blessings to them today.  Lord I also ask that you would be with the one that caused this wrong, lead them to you today allowing your grace to even fall upon them.  Lord we love you in the good and the bad.  Amen.

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