

Thoughts from my Big Book of Everything

You can scroll the shelf using and keys

How do you use this thing again?

August 27, 2011

I know it has been some time since my last post.  What have I been up to, where have my random thoughts have gone?  In my time off from blogging I have been busy starting two businesses.  Yeagermeister Toys will be open online next month with some pretty cool toys, if I do say so myself.  Some of these toys and Keith Yeager originals, the Big Bang – Three man air cannon.  Others will be cool toys found from around the world.  If you have something you think I should look into let me know, if it is good there might even be a finders fee!  So what’s the other business?  Tech consulting for small business.  This one will be up and going hopefully by the end of the year, but if you need some advice on tech for your company send me a message and we will see what we can get done before we go live.  Other than that life has been life, full of ups and downs but always full of life.  It has been really good talking to you all again, don’t be so long in visiting next time, OK?

The day after!

May 24, 2011

This video leaves us with the question; as Christians what kind of impact are we making on those around us?

Yet another reason the iPhone rocks!

May 21, 2011

Unlike some of you, I was blessed to grow up with the transformation of the cell phone.  I remember my father’s first bag phone that sat on the floor of his pickup truck with the antenna drilled through the roof, that only cost you one dismembered appendage per phone call.  I remember my first analog phone quite well, ahh the days of climbing a tree to make a phone call.

Here are two reasons for you to get this way cool case.

1) Zach Morris is your hero, and what single guy would not want to be Zach Morris.  With a little grey spray paint this case could have the look and feel to put you in a ‘Saved by the Bell” sort of mood.  Look out Kelly!

2) You are old and need a bigger phone to hold on to.  I still remember the day my father came into the office complaining that his cell phone was too small, and this was ten years ago.  He call Verizon Wireless and asked them for the biggest phone that they had, “you have it sir.”  Dad, all your hopes and dreams of a phone have come true today.

While this will not be my first choice for a phone, I will add it to my list of junk to buy when I become a millionaire because you know “I want to be a millionaire so freakin bad.”  Also on the list will be Mt Dew Soda fountain, and my very own “Screech”  robot.

I have got to go I think Mr. Belding is on to me.

New Layout

May 20, 2011

I hope everyone is enjoying the new layout of my blog.  I have notice that some of you are having problems navigating the site.  Here are few helpful hints.  As written on the page you can use the left and right arrow keys to see the different posts.  If you wish to view a post or make comments on a post just click the title with your mouse, from there you can leave a comment or post to social media.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact me (

Thank you again for taking the time to read my random thoughts from my big book of everything.


May 20, 2011

Stop me if you have heard of this, I just learned of it tonight through a friends Facebook which lead to a mass cram session online.  Planking.  If there is one thing that Americans have always done well, it is laying down.  Lets face it we are a very creative culture, we are just as lazy.  Planking is a game that involves laying down and having a pictures taken, sounds simple, right?  When you think of planking, think extreme laying down.  This new craze is along the lines of Pole-sitting or Balconing.  Think of the weirdest place that you could lay down flat on your belly stretched out like a plank, then have one of your friends take a picture and put it online, Planking.  The origins of planking begin in Europe and Japan, but only became popular this year in Australia before we Americans had to get involved to show the world we could lay down with the best of them.

I know the first thing to come to your mind is “why, that seems so stupid?”  That was my thoughts to begin with also.  As I have read more about it, the why has begun to slip away, but the stupid is still there.  Who of us does not like to do stupid stuff with there friends?  While it doe not seem like the most creative game out there I would like to make a prediction that Planking will be the next Youth Ministry Craze.  That’s right Youth Pastor, go get your teens, sign those release forms and lets show the world how well Americans can lay down.

Lord please protect us, your children, as we do childish things.  We are so glad that you have gifted us with imaginations, and humor.  You are a great God and we praise your name.

Disclaimer: I am in no way encouraging Planking or trespassing.  Please do so at your own risk, and yes I will be trying this at some point myself.

It the end of the world as we know it

May 20, 2011

So until today I was unaware that tomorrow marks the end of the world, did anyone else miss this?  The radio, friends Facebook, and the news are all a buzz about the “christian outsiders” that have come up with the date for the end.  Billboards, and RV’s plastered with the reminder of judgement day have filled our area.  While agreeing with the belief that we need to be right with our God, I am disturbed that we humans have once again come to the conclusion that we can predict what God has told us only He will know.  The end times have become that of a lotto drawing for some, thinking that picking the right set of numbers will some how give  you the correct date and time from this random event.  My God is not a random God.  I believe that He is coming again at a set date and time that is perfect in His will.  I believe that we need to be prepared for this time, and do everything we can to prepare everyone that we can by sharing His Gospel message.  In today’s day and age, the scare tactics that once worked will be laughed at and pushed to the side.  Those who talk about their coming King better know who He is, because those who don’t have some tough questions.  Your relationships are the gateway to the conversations that could open the hearts of many.  I believe it is time for us to stop gambling our time and start investing it.  Live for today, sharing your faith through your life.  I know one thing is for sure, if by chance the crazies get the date and time right it will be by dumb luck, but I am ready.

Lord today I pray that you will help us to focus our time upon you and not on trying to solve the unsolvable.  Allow us to grow in our relationships with others so that the doors will be open to share you hope and grace with them.  Give us the grace to move forward and not hold miscalculations over someone head.  Today, tomorrow and the next are yours as you see fit.  Amen


May 17, 2011

With the passing of my wife’s grandmother seemly drawing near, I am left with the thoughts of growing older and mortality.  How will I be remembered, will I be missed in ministry?  I have seen many people go in my life, finishing the race well or just finishing.  I have always tried to run with all my heart.  I am reminded of the legacy of some mighty men that never existed, Rocky who people remember for his determination, Goku who will be remembered for his might strength in heart and body, and the Apostle Paul who coined the phase of the race of life.  In talking with my father this week he reminds me that everyday could be our last, and if today was my last have I completed everything that God has for me to do?  Today I have been a Pastor, a servant, a father, a husband, a son, an employee, a tech wiz (self entitled), and a mere man.  For everyday that I am blessed with I will try to do the best with what I have been given, to be a better Pastor, servant, father, husband, son, employee, tech wiz, and man.  When the day comes that I breathe my last I do not wish to be remembered for my determination or strength, but that which was given to me by my God, for without Him I would be none of these things that I mentioned.  So for today I continue to run the race rejoicing in the memories of all those who have ran before me and for those who will run after I am done.

God today I ask that you will give us your strength and determination.  I ask that you will not only be with my family during this time, but with all of our families helping us to treasure the times that we have together.  Lord when the time does come, please welcome Francis with open arms and allow her to take rest from a long race well run.  Amen

One of these days

May 16, 2011

I have been thinking more about my theme song over the past month since I wrote the post entitled “Theme Songs.”  The song that I have selected has been one of my favorites for over a decade.  “One of these days,” a song by a group know as FFH.  I have posted the lyrics below, if you know much about me I would be curious to know what you think of my choice.

One Of These Days

One of these days I’m gonna fly
Over the mountain
One of these days I’m gonna ride
On the silver lining
One of these days I’m gonna witness
All I’ve been missing
One of these days

One of these days I’m gonna do
All the things that I’ve never done
I’m gonna finish all the races
That I’ve run but I’ve never won
And I’m gonna see a million faces
And recognize everyone
One of these days

One of these days
Gonna see the hand that took the nails for me
One of these days
Gonna hold the key to the mansion built for me
One of these days
Gonna walk the streets of gold that were paved for me
One of these days
I’m gonna see my Savior face to face
One of these days

One of these days I’m gonna see
Just what became of me
On the day that I believed
When you took myself from me
And I believe I will see
What I would have been
If You didn’t save me
One of these days

And one of these days I’m gonna talk
With all the saints that have gone before
And in their sandals I will walk
And we will sit along the shore
And I will learn all the things
That I never knew before
All this and more

One of these days I’ll finally be
In a place where there’s no more need
No more pain and no more grief
No more foolish disbelief
And all the joy there will be
When at last we finally see
One of these days

Is it done yet?

May 4, 2011

This is the question on everyone’s mind, at least in the Miami Valley.  Working construction I have seen the effects of the rain first hand all around the area.  The thunder-beast even experienced flooding this year.  Friends have tried to make the best of the rain by calling it a blessing or referring that things could be worse, as in plagues of God.  I just time to remember that there is a season for everything, and we will be complaining soon enough that we have not seen rain in forever.   For now let us try to stay dry, and looking forward to the sunny days to come.  I for one am ready to work on my tan, lol.  Yeah for the first time in 33 years.  Enjoy the sun tomorrow while you can, it looks like we will be blessed for a few more days.


April 28, 2011

I promise more to come soon, it has been a really busy week. I have about three posts in my big book that will be out soon.