

Thoughts from my Big Book of Everything

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January 27, 2012 3 Comments

Facebook seems to be a buzz with many debates and opinions and has at times become more inappropriate than Jerry Springer.  In the past week alone I have seen comments on the behalf of Christians and Anti-Christian that have not been prepared for the on-slot of opinions that come from the stray opinion that in past years would have past off without a shrug.  I will attempt to to talk about one of these topics with as much love and respect as I possible can, and if you choose to respond I only ask that you do the same.

There are a couple things that we know for sure, we live in a very diverse world, with many varying opinions and life styles.  It seems that there are more ways to live life than ever before.  I will throw this out there now, I am a Christian, a Christ Follower, I have a relationship with the Creator of the Universe.  The opinions that I share will be based upon these facts about my person.  I should also tell you that I am a Pastor and have been for a while now, I am also not perfect and my wife will back me up on that fact.  These things will also influence my words.

You see there is great controversy about what makes someone a Christian and what a sin is, these are very tough subjects for a lot of people.  You see I know a lot of you that are going to read this do not want to be labeled or told how to live you life, so I am not going to attempt to even try.  I am simply going to share with you my heart.  I am not going to quote any one scripture but feel free to comment if you would like the scripture references for you personal interest.

I would like to start off by talking about what a Christian is and isn’t.  First things first, Christian is a word and a label.  It has been embraced by some and pushed away by many, but it is just a point of reference.  I ideal of being a Christian comes for the teachings of Jesus Christ, accepting Him as Savior for your sins and embarking on a personal relationship to become more like Him.  We are told that Jesus told us to come to Him as we are, that He is ready to shoulder our burdens and pains.  He never tells us that life will be perfect or that we will never sin again, in fact from everything that I have experienced and read life is still tough.  Before we go farther I guess that we should tackle the concept of sin in our lives.  Nobody likes to be told that they are wrong or “wronger” than someone else.  As humans we like to put everything on a scale and judge what we do against everybody else.  Simple put a “SIN” is anything that puts “I” before God.  Some of these things are spelled out for us plan and simple and others are very personal.  God tells us that sin separates us from Him and our relationship and dependents on Jesus is the only thing that brings us back to Him.  As His creations we were given basic guild lines on how to live but even early man understood that these rules were for the benefit of the greater relationship than a “RULE” to continue breathing.  Think about the boundaries in your own relationships they are not meant to hurt us but draw us closer together.

I think that as we examine who we are in our relationship with God it is important to remember that we all came to Christ or are coming to Him just as we are and that we grow in our relationships at different rates.  It doesn’t matter if we are dealing with the smallest sin or the one that encompasses our whole being, it is more important that we are growing in our relationship with God and allowing Him to make us into the person He saw at our Creation.

In the broader view of things is there anything in this world that would be worth spending it with out a personal relationship with a loving God that only wants what is best for you.


The day after!

May 24, 2011

This video leaves us with the question; as Christians what kind of impact are we making on those around us?

It the end of the world as we know it

May 20, 2011

So until today I was unaware that tomorrow marks the end of the world, did anyone else miss this?  The radio, friends Facebook, and the news are all a buzz about the “christian outsiders” that have come up with the date for the end.  Billboards, and RV’s plastered with the reminder of judgement day have filled our area.  While agreeing with the belief that we need to be right with our God, I am disturbed that we humans have once again come to the conclusion that we can predict what God has told us only He will know.  The end times have become that of a lotto drawing for some, thinking that picking the right set of numbers will some how give  you the correct date and time from this random event.  My God is not a random God.  I believe that He is coming again at a set date and time that is perfect in His will.  I believe that we need to be prepared for this time, and do everything we can to prepare everyone that we can by sharing His Gospel message.  In today’s day and age, the scare tactics that once worked will be laughed at and pushed to the side.  Those who talk about their coming King better know who He is, because those who don’t have some tough questions.  Your relationships are the gateway to the conversations that could open the hearts of many.  I believe it is time for us to stop gambling our time and start investing it.  Live for today, sharing your faith through your life.  I know one thing is for sure, if by chance the crazies get the date and time right it will be by dumb luck, but I am ready.

Lord today I pray that you will help us to focus our time upon you and not on trying to solve the unsolvable.  Allow us to grow in our relationships with others so that the doors will be open to share you hope and grace with them.  Give us the grace to move forward and not hold miscalculations over someone head.  Today, tomorrow and the next are yours as you see fit.  Amen


May 15, 2011

Blessings come in many shapes and sizes.  Some of us fail to even notice how blessed that we truly are, thinking of the old phrase “stopping to smell the roses.”  In times of trouble, sickness or grief we often find ourselves over looking these blessing that God has given us.  I know that I am an extremely blessed individual, and I am not referring to monetary means.  I have been fortunate to grown up in a loving home, found the love of my life, excepted a call into ministry, and have the joy of fatherhood.  I have also been blessed with unbelievable friends and opportunities that I do not deserve.  I do not say all of these things to brag but to put this post into perspective.

Through prayer and God’s leading I have asked Him to give away my blessings over the course of this past week.  Not ten percent of my finances or service time, but what ever blessings that He had in store for me to bless someone else instead.  Again I am not trying to build my self up or put down God’s blessings.  I share this with you to put some thoughts in your head and hearts.  One this week I have learned how truly blessed that I am and how great I God that I serve.  Second, this week has been filled with the highest of highs and the lowest of lows not because I have moved out of the Lord’s graces, but a fast is meant to challenge us and help us grow in our walk with Him.  I also was reminded that even though I asked God to give my blessings away, He has more blessing for us, more than our finite minds can comprehend.

This week be intentional about being a blessing to others around you, if you are bold enough ask God to give your blessings to someone in need.  God today I ask you to give us guidance and help us to notice the hurting around us.  I ask a special blessing upon those that are hurting this week, and if need be give them what you have in store for me.  God grant me the faith to move forward in my walk with or with any blessings.  Amen

Things we do not understand

May 10, 2011

Sometimes in life we are faced with things that we do not understand, even when we believe in a higher power.  Today a good man was killed in the line of duty, trying to protect and serve his community.  Brian Dulle was a Sergeant for Warren County and was struck down while trying to end a high speed chase.  I knew Brian years ago while attending Edgewood High School, while I have not seen Brian in years, my heart and prayers go out for his family.  I am sure the question has been asked, why this man?  Brian leaves behind a wife and three children, one of whom is sick, how is this fair?  How could God allow this to happen?  I assure you God is mourning with the family today.  Things like this are a result of our free will and our disobedience.   I would ask that you remember Brian’s family in prayer as a lot of others are doing today.  Brian was a good man that was doing his best to protect us and keep order in these crazy times, let us honor his memory by being the best citizens that we can.  If you ever wish to talk about God, I am just a few clicks away.

God today that we ask that your would be with the Dulle family and their friends during this time of need.  Help them always to hold memories of their loved one close to their hearts.  I ask Lord that you would give my blessings to them today.  Lord I also ask that you would be with the one that caused this wrong, lead them to you today allowing your grace to even fall upon them.  Lord we love you in the good and the bad.  Amen.


May 3, 2011

This Sunday I had the blessing and opportunity to help baptize, a dear friend “daughter” at Fairhaven Church.  This is a blessing to me in many ways.  Fairhaven has opened its arms to me, the staff there has just loved on me like none other and it has been a place of safe harbor for my family.  I know that as I continue you on in ministry that God is going to use me in a mighty way, and it is my pray that I can give back to a church family that has given so much to me.

I have to start off by saying that baptism is such a special time in the life of a believer, it is not only a time for a believer to publicly share what God has done in their live.  It is also a growth experience of what God is doing now and in the future.  Their is a spiritual change that takes place from the time you are submerged till you rise again from the water.  Through obedience I witness Lindsey these passed three years grow in her relationship with Christ to come before family and friends declaring her faith and seeing a new creature come forth from the water.  I have baptized many in my time as a pastor, I even assisted as my wife was baptized, I will never grow tired of seeing their face as they come up out of the water.  Lindsey your family is proud of you, as I am sure your Heavenly Father is too.

Lord continue to work in the heart of your children, move us forward towards your goals in our lives.  Use us in anyway that you see fit, and thank you for your love.  Amen

Chocolate Jesus!

May 3, 2011

Well I am finally back with a post, sorry for the delay.  As you know the Season of Lent is now over and I hope that it was life changing for many of you, for God worked in my life this year.  I years past I have fasted many things, but none so hard as chocolate.  For those of you who do not know me, I am a snacker with a huge love for chocolate.  Working construction right now I will stop at a gas station a couple times a day for a candy bar and a soda.  Let me tell you most of the snacks in a gas station have some chocolate in them, this was a fast that tested my limits and had me asking for help from Jesus on multiple occasions.  That is part of the season, to remember the sacrifice that was given for us, chocolate can not be compared to my Savior and His sacrifice for me, but it was a useful tool to remind me of my need for Him.  Oh wait, there is a major plus side, now when I eat chocolate I can rejoice for the blessing that I have.  May God continue to work in your lives, stretching you to your limits for growth and prosperity. Amen.

To the cross

April 17, 2011 1 Comment

Tonight in youth group we took a journey to the cross remembering all the footsteps that Jesus had taken some years ago. As we traveled we took an honest look at ourselves and our walk with him. We moved past the cross to that of the glorious day of resurrection not only for our savior but the very resurrection of our relationship with our Heavenly Father. It is a joyous day when we can admit to where we have been and continue the journey to where he wants us to go. So as I pray for myself, I also pray for all of you. Take this opportunity that has been afforded to you, one step at a time but continually moving forward. Remember who this Jesus Christ was, is, and forever will been. Holy week is upon us let us rejoice in the Lord. Amen

Open Doors

April 14, 2011 1 Comment

I have to say that I am ever in awe of my Heavenly Father who is quick to answer pray in our time of need. But what about when it’s not the answer that we are looking for? Sometimes it almost seems as though God has left us out to dry, believe me I have been there. For all of you that might be going through something even as you are reading this, remember the flowers of the field or the birds of the air, if God takes care of them in the beauty of the day like we saw today, how much more will He take care of you. The hard part for us is understanding that doors closing might be the best thing that has ever happened to us, there are more at the end of the hallway. After all do you really think the rose wanted those thorns. God today we thank you for your wisdom, your understanding of who we are, and the grace that you show us even when we do not understand it.

Hunting Easter Eggs

April 10, 2011 1 Comment

I have always leaned toward the nerd lifestyle, more specifically that of the dork with athletic tendencies.  Technology has come easy to me, both in construction and understanding, so the searching for the unknown in tech has brought curiosity to my mind.  Ever since the introduction of video games, DVD, and now Blue Ray, developers have loved to hide “Easter Eggs” inside of menus for the user to find.  Most of the time these Easter Eggs will give a hidden look at upcoming ventures or secrets for the persistent hunter.  There are even websites that will tell you where and how to find these eggs.  When searching through the menus it is often very easy to lose track of time and spend more of it hunting than you would have in the game or movie itself.

I wonder how many of us have spent this Lenten Season searching for Easter Eggs in our own lives, while not focusing on the main feature of our Savior.  While the rest of the Christian calendar is important, there is now celebration for us like Easter.  It is a time for us to stop and remember what Jesus did for us and how we have been reconnected with our Heavenly Father.  There is still time to get our focus on the things that matter, Palm Sunday is approaching and the upcoming Holy Week will give us even more opportunities to draw closer to our God.  For now we ask our Father to help us to stay alert in a garden filled with Easter Eggs.