

Thoughts from my Big Book of Everything

You can scroll the shelf using and keys

How do you use this thing again?

August 27, 2011

I know it has been some time since my last post.  What have I been up to, where have my random thoughts have gone?  In my time off from blogging I have been busy starting two businesses.  Yeagermeister Toys will be open online next month with some pretty cool toys, if I do say so myself.  Some of these toys and Keith Yeager originals, the Big Bang – Three man air cannon.  Others will be cool toys found from around the world.  If you have something you think I should look into let me know, if it is good there might even be a finders fee!  So what’s the other business?  Tech consulting for small business.  This one will be up and going hopefully by the end of the year, but if you need some advice on tech for your company send me a message and we will see what we can get done before we go live.  Other than that life has been life, full of ups and downs but always full of life.  It has been really good talking to you all again, don’t be so long in visiting next time, OK?

What do you think?

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