

Thoughts from my Big Book of Everything

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My Ninja Way

November 24, 2015

narutoEvery since I was young people have meant a lot to me.  My family used to tell the story about how I would walk up to strangers that were smoking and out of concern for their health tell them that they were going to die.  Now this sounds like a harsh reality and would not go over very well in todays culture but non the less my heart was in the right place.  Later in life I began to set expectations for how I would deal with friends and other people in my life, this became my ninja way.  No I am not a ninja but I do watch some on TV!  My ninja way is that I will do my best to never give up on someone and always hold out hope that they will return to the path of good someday.  The idea of good and bad is a very obscure thought in todays culture and yes I do have a theological slant on my interpretation of what good and bad are.  So how does all of this play out in my everyday life?  Statistics say that the average friendship only lasts around five years while there are the occasional people that will last a lifetime most of our friendships reset every half decade or so.  At my current rate of increase of age and stature I have seen this transition more than I would have liked and more often due to life change and transitions.  However I will never give up on a friend!  Friendship is something far to valuable in this world, as far as I am concerned if we were friends once the door is always open to friendship again, I can not help it I like people.  There are times in our lives when we are on separate journeys and times when our paths will intersect but rest assured friends if you want to pick up were we left off I’m still here practicing my ninja way becoming stronger in my skill to change this crazy world one friendship at a time.  Hurt and pain will come but so will joy, peace and love.  This Thanksgiving season I am grateful for all those that I have been able to call friend over the years and for those that continue to think of me in the same light.  So what is your ninja way?

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